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Eastron Multi Channel Power Meter TCP



The SDM630MCT-ML-TCP is a high accuracy multifunction power meter that has been developed with plug in connections for the current transformer and mains voltage supply inputs. This negates the need to traditional wire into the meter and saving 90% on labour as well as eliminating wiring errors. Configurable for up to 12 x single phase 2 wire (1p2w) or 4 x 3 phase 4 wire (3p4w) systems and hosting a vast range of measuring parameters such as Amps, Volts, Power, Power and Current Demand (Sliding and fix scale options), Power Factor, imported and exported kWh and total harmonics. It is one of the most user-friendly multifunction power meters in the market form installation to end client use. It can be connected to On-Premise or Cloud based IQnexus IoT Platform and Middleware using ModBus TCP. The Platform provides ModBus IP or BACnet with the On-Premise NBNANO version. Different APIs are also available for different BMS and Energie Management Systems.


  • Monitors and displays up to 4 x 3 phase 4 wire (3p4w) or 12 x single phase 2 wire (1p2w) systems
  • EasyClick technology for plug in current transformer and mains voltage connection
  • Elimination of wiring errors & labour saving
  • Highly visible backlit display from all angles
  • Programmable reverse flow for right/left side of breaker CT installation

See it in action

See below real life use cases for the Multi Channel Meter, please contact us if you want to find out how to install or implement your multi channel power meter for your smart Energy Management solutions.