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Pulling Data via BACnet IP

If you have a BACnet slave device that you would like to link to the platform, that is now possible. In our example here, we will be adding a local air quality sensor that we have in the building.

Making a Driver

The driver for a BACnet slave device needs to be created using  Bacnet Poll as the Carrier, see below.

Once you have all of your fields configured in the driver move to the Bacnet Poll tab and you can assign each field to a BACnet Point to pull from the slave device.

Now click save to exit and make the driver available to make a device from.

Adding a Device

Once you have a driver go to your IQnexus marketplace, select your driver and select ‘New device’ from the action menu:

If you have set up your driver correctly your create a device screen should show as the following:


The Bacnet Poll Polling Rate (seconds) defines the amount of seconds between each interval. So if you set this to 30, it will request the data from the sensor every 30 seconds. The value entered here will be rounded up and can be a multiple of 10, so a value of 43 will be checked every 50 seconds.

Head over to the BACnet Tab to select the BACnet device to poll from.

Select bacnet device is a button, and once pressed it will show you the following screen to scan for a automatically fill out the BACnet details fields:

Prom here you can either select your bacnet device from the list, or, if it’s not found, you can manually enter the IP Address, Instance ID and port of your Bacnet device.

Once you have your BACnet details filled out save the device. After the interval you selected on the screen the device will start showing data in the logs.

If you have any questions, Contact Us!

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